Saturday, August 28

Hoooooooooockeyyyyyyyyyyy. And more of the Same Shit as Always.

So---------tonight to clear my head I am in Richmond to play a hockey game with my ex-team. I am thankful they let me join them tonight. We are the Emporia Eagles in Richmond. :) I mean with all thats beeeeeeeeeeen going on.........................i totally need to clear my head. i volunteered today at a non-profit that my aunt and uncle give money to. They had a backpack drive that i helped collect and stuff backpacks for. :) it was so great to see the little kids excited about school and getting their backpacks. :) :). So-i feel bad and stressed about stopping seeing my therapist. my uncle is pissed at me for doing it, but i did say it might be just TEMPORARY. :/ Ive done so much goooooooooooooooooood work with her and i really like her. She's the BonSpa:) The one and only. I really wanted to talk to her this tuesday and spill all but now--- i don't think i can do that. i seen the way this has affected her. idk i feel realllllllllllllllly guilty and i hate feeling like i cause people burdens. i hate it when that happens. so just to avoid that i am going to stop these sessions for a while. i really wanted to get everything out on tuesday and really spill. detail for detail. im saying i wouldn't be uncomfortable or scared or have a hard time doing it......ugh desicions desicions. urgh urgh urgh. i feel horrid that my psat has casued these problems that have gone into her real life. and i hate feeling like i caused a problem.......well goodnight. :) hopefully we kick some butt and win!!!!!! :) ThErApYtEeN. :) heart 241 to almost all. :)

1 comment:

  1. And I wanted to do EMDR (BLS) for the first time in a while on tuesday. i wanted to talk, but now thats not gonna happen.................why the f*ck does he continuiouslly have to ruin my life????????????????????? What the heck is his problem..............fahsjifhbeaiurhfjasdklhfajsidrhtuisrhausirp. I am so sick of himmmmm........ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
